(+1) 407 250-2644

Rental Exhibits


Customer Service & Support

  • English , Spanish & Portuguese technical support.
  • Budget Optimization.
  • Direct Production.
  • Show Site Supervision.

Stand Builders & Rental Exhibit Booths

When you decide to go to an exhibition in The USA you should take into account several factors that you can’t see in the exhibit design and those affect the budget tremendously. the factors behind the booth design are the trade show material handling or drayage, electricity power, the installation & dismantle labor rates and rules.

Custom Exhibits is a trade show builder company that can help you with exhibit design, rental exhibit booth and custom booths or stands with direct production in many cities in The USA such as Las Vegas, Atlanta, New York, Washington, Denver, Anaheim and so on.

With Custom Exhibits you have the whole support you need to achieve your sales goals and have a great exhibition in The USA, avoiding to waste time and money.


Las Vegas


New York



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    63739 street lorem ipsum City, Country


    +12 (0) 345 678 9

